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Saturday, April 26, 2025
in the Inman Park Festival Parade!
Meet at 1:30pm at 
Edgewood Ave. & Waddell St. 30307
Wasted Potential Brass Band is gnoming with us!

Since 2008, the Krewe of the Grateful Gluttons has invited everyone from everywhere to costume like a garden gnome with a red pointy hat and make a sassy sign with your best gnomenclature or gnome issue (Look at the photos below. Gnomes have issues.), and play at being a gang of garden gnomes in the Inman Park Festival Parade. A hundred or so gnomes participate each year. Rolling with the gnomies is ridiculous fun. The Atlanta Gnomes unofficially broke the world record for Largest Gathering of People-Dressed-As-Garden-Gnomes with 755 gnomes in 2018!

Note: Atlanta Gnome Hats are red. Not green. Not yellow. Not blue. RED. Thank you.
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